To add --- I just don't understand why, from my perspective at least, the SEUSKF appears to run better/more smoothly than the AUSKF at large. SEUSKF is to dojos what AUSKF is to federations. Why should there be any significant difference between what SEUSKF does for its dojos and what AUSKF does for the regional federations? SEUSKF Board of Directors: President (recently passed 5.dan) VP-Education (relatively recently passed 6.dan) VP-Competition - 5.dan VP-Promotions - 7.dan Secretary - 2.dan Treasurer - 3.dan At-Large Members: (1) just passed 7.dan, (2) 3.dan, (3) 3.dan (maybe 4.dan, I'm not sure now) Now... is that indicative of anything in particular? I dunno. I'm just sayin'....