Stress Fracture in foot, from kendo?
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09-28-2010, 07:13 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
yes to what turboyoshi said.
RICE is good.
a constant but increasing pain is definitely a bad sign, and would be a strong sign indicating a stress fracture. most begin as a light to moderate pain that builds over time, and even walking could exacerbate it over time. it does not sound like the pain is significant right now, but a healing fracture should hurt less with time and if it is increasing then something is continuing to go wrong. you should look around your area for a free clinic or something close to those lines. such things exist. you might not be able to get x-rays, but seeing a clinic doctor or something like that, and treating your foot as though it has a stress fracture, will likely not hurt whatever is going on and could help make an improvement.
keep well.
edited to add: MikeW beat me to the free clinic suggestion. blast. college medical campuses sometimes offer good prices as well, assuming you are comfortable with the idea of being someone's learning experience.
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