The Official Photo Caption Thread!
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06-29-2010, 09:25 AM
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Oct 2005
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note really a caption, but...
PANGO PANGO [AP News] ---- Japanese and Dutch medical doctors recently celebrated a first in experimental transplant surgery. Test Subject #81643-A (hereafter referred to as "Bubba") was fed up with his life and because he was so taken with Japanese culture, decided to commit seppuku by jumping onto a table saw in order to cut himself in half. While he failed with the former, "Bubba" succeeded brilliantly with the latter. The medical team, consisting of some 30 surgeons, was able to surgically implant the lower half of "Bubba"'s mentor, "Sho-Nuff Shogun," onto "Bubba's" torso. Deeper investigation revealed that "Sho-Nuff Shogun" had also decided to committ seppuku in a similar fashion, but whereas the grasshopper failed, the master was fully successful.
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