Bear Stearns Fallout
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03-19-2008, 07:18 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I don't know much about finance and investment banking but it seems to me that the current crop of Bear Stearns management really F****D UP one of the largest, well known, venerable, powerful Wall Street institutions.
I mean, isn't the most basic principles in investment is "to diversify?" Why the heck do you put all your eggs in the same basket, which in this case is, mortgage and housing loans?
I couldn't help but think that someone like me, who wouldn't even qualify for a janitorial job at their building would know better than most of these big shot investment bankers making millionaires.
While I may not feel sorry for them, what I am sad is that this City now has one less financial icon to claim not to mention the financial hit to the City.
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