Estonian-Russian crisis
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05-15-2007, 11:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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I think you making your opinion by reading propaganda materials.
You really gullible my friend if you think Putin has anyone on his team that does not do as he says or approves. The reason you have a 'VERTIKAL' of power is because Putin has concentrated power in the Kremlin. 'Vertical of power' have relation to regional direction.
The Duma, the Fed Council, the Judiciary, the biggest companies (Rosneft, Gazprom etc.) all controlled by the Kremlin. Actually - not. Now "Единая Россия" [United Russia] - strongest political party. UR and Putin support each other and together have influence to any aspect of political life. But their influence in not control.
POWER MORE POWER AND EVEN MORE POWER (and money). You forgot "bua-ha-ha-hah"
Then why Putin have to go?
He might not have been a "good" prime minister whatever you mean by "good" I don't know, but at least he is a man of principles and does not cower to anyone. He is far better then the appartachik known as Fradkov, who is less Prime Minister and more a name and an office. I like Fradkov much more. He is not perfect and making mistakes sometimes, but he is fine prime minister and he making his work well.
This is complete non-sense, first of all the pro democracy demonstrations you did not have a single window broken not a single person arrested for doing anything wrong in Moscow or St.Petersburg. What you had is 10,000 special police from other cities unleashed on the cities own residents. Not a single police man or soldier charged and no one took responsibility although 10's of own RUSSIAN people beat down violently JUST for voicing their opposition to government PEACEFULLY. Ask yourself why 10,000 policeman for 2000 people march? Why so much force on old ladies and unarmed people? WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT SO SCARED OF DISSENT??????ANSWER ME WEBERR. When you start talking about digits, I start crying.
I can answer, why "they scared".
In that marches going НБП (Nationalist-Bolshvist Party) - skinheads - they could start mass destruction in whole territory of Moscow. Nobody knew how many skinheads come to this march, and city government need to ensure order in the streets of Moskow. And, of course, Kasparov use this moment to speak about "scared bloody scary regime".
Answer me: why Kasparov have friendship to nationalist-bolshevils? What reason? Is he support Nationalism? Is he supptort Bolshevism?
Kasparov just a dirty tricker, using any instrument, whatever it is.
Given enough time Russia is going to be back where it started. If they extend Putin term to 7 years and give ability to run for 3+ terms what will happen then? What happens when they outlaw ALL opposition only government supported parties? Will yo ugo along with it if Putin takes unlimited power like in Venezuela? Why do you allow Russia to be turned into Zimbabwe or Nigeria? YOU CANT STAND THE TRUTH WEBERR. I can. I do.
Russia is not Zimbabve or Nigeria.
First reason is highest level of education in Russia. As more educated nation as hard to realize dictatorship.
Second reason is much more freedom in Russia then newspapers talking about. Just look to the face of facts: more and more TV-chanels, Internet sites, Radio channels. What kind of "Zimbabwe" do you see here?
And third, final reason, is Russia going up in any aspect of life. How can it be if we are "Zimbabwe"?
Please, stop talking about Zimbabwe like about example of bad life. There are living people, who proud of their country.
Bullshit, the order is just another name for TYRANNY. What happened in the 90's is due to the fact Soviet Union was BANKRUPT. Soviet Union did not have market economy! Soviet Union had WEAK government. THIS is why there was chaos. YOU CANT BUILD A NORMAL COUNTRY FROM RUINS. We can. We already build foundation.
(And continue building first floors.)
Actually your "the order is just another name for TYRANNY" make me think about your mind... Order is order. Tyranny is tyranny. It is independent terms.
S.U. stood "BANKRUPT" in 1980's (thanks to "Perestroika").
Chaos was in 1990's in Yeltsin period.
But main chaos in your head - you entangle it all.
That's what they want yo uto believe, while they strip the country of all resources and line their pockets. This is what they tell you while they undermine RUSSIA's FUTURE. What technology? What science? Russia's science has turned into dust, even the top scientists say how bad the situation is with Putin. I already said about upgrading ANY aspect.
Knowledge of Soviet Science was not lost. Now we reconstruct it all. We inherit powerful system of Soviet education. We have very nice technics and buildings, inherits from fallen S.U. That is past of our parents. We save it in the times of chaos and it give us new future.
Chaos of 90's give new theme to our Art. Cinema and Literature awaking too.
"Any aspect of our life" mean any aspect of our life.
They are not just words they are the TRUTH, Estonia does not censor it's main tv channels nor does the president of the country stop fuel from flowing into it's neighbors. We have mush more freedom TV-channels than Estonia.
What kind of freedom in Estonia with nationalist government?
Why Estonian better for work in Estonia than Russian?
How many Russians you see in Estonian "freedom" TV-channels?
How many Russians you see in government?
Russians in Estonia have less rights than blacks in U.S. in the start of XX century.
But Estonia have status of "democratic country"! What a nonsense?!
Then Hitler was democrat.
How do you know did they have a nationwide referendum? Did they allow anyone to speak out against what the government is saying? did a single senator or duma deputy say one thing against? Everyone just screams ESTONIA NEW NAZI GERMANY OH MY GOD ESTONIA IS DESECRATING OUR DEAD, why? Estonia only move ONE monument, they exhumed all the remains with highest professionalisms, give families the right information everything, while in Russia you saw many graves moved and remains handled like garbage and constantly disrespect history by demolishing BEAUTIFUL buildings in middle of Moscow, St.Pete etc. Only for officials getting rich only for benefit of a few.... Estonia move one monument and strike in the heart of Russian community in Estonia. It's look like to kill president in U.S. These Russans have no representative in government and have not civilian rank. Estonia close access to this monument in 8-9 of May and strike to our veterans - old men and women.
Official reaction of our government was too much soft and our nation start reacting much strong.
Personally I hate nationalism and especially nationalism in Estonia. Estonian government have a result what they go to.
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