Estonian-Russian crisis
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05-15-2007, 08:42 PM
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Dec 2005
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Yes WebErr in your world Propaganda only exists in the west, Putin is peaceful reformer, 2+2=5 and Earth is flat. 2+2=1 in Z[3], actually...
Earth is not sphere, actually...
Every infromation set contain some level of some propaganda, actually...
You must allow two opponent point of view in your head and be third point.
It is the way to be objective.
Vertical of power has exactly to do with control, it's direct control of Kremlin over the regions and of all resources in those regions. United Russia was created by the Kremlin to support the Kremlin. Nothing else, they have no ideology, just blind support for the President. Vertical of power centrilize control and garantee order in whole Russia, in each Region. It is Federative control in biggest country. But each region have self speciality. In some regions of Russia civilians choose President of region, because our Federation contain several Republics. It is not total control, as you can see, but except many problem inside Russia.
Name one thing that he did to support your claim that he is a fine prime minister. He doing big work every day.
Yeah, you should cry - truth hurts sometimes.
NPB and skinheads are two different things completely. Skinheads are not an organized political group they are just a loose conflagration of criminals who are anti-social in their behavior. NPB is a genuine political group that has a right under freedom of expression to exist, Limonov has publicly spoken out against any kind of physical violence and resisting the authorities. He's a fine writer and a dissenter that like Kasparov wants to resist the authoritarian structure of the government and change Russia for the better. This true digits too much funny.
About НБП/NBP/NPB : they just organized skinheads. Nitionalistic power under control. Extremism of NBP force Moskow administration forbid official existance in the territory of Moskow. Then this "political party" was forbidden in whole territory of Russia. It was opened judicial process.
Nashi looks like NBP, have similar methods, hate each other and both have very bad reputation in Russia. But Nashi is not so nationalist extremists.
Do you read at least ONE book of Limonov?
Very funny strories about crazy man - Limonov himself.
If Kasparov love Limonov, why he do not married him?
Or this is political alliance? Then Kasparov go mad!
Soviet Union was very well educated yet dictatorship was in place for over 70 years. Now how is it different under Putin? When you are afraid of the press and censor all the tv channels you're a weak minded and authoritarian which Putin is. He is afraid of little demonstrations of any kind of criticism, he is a classic story of a Dictator. The reason I compare Russia to Zimbabwe and Nigeria is because the same things happened there, dictators rolled back democracy and established authoritarianism. Putin is doing this too, how does it feel to live in a corrupt, unfree, society WEBERR? Aha... aha... I read funny reports of "Human Rights Watch" too...
I told you, noone can censore EACH channel in WHOLE Russia.
You can say about Putin "he is dictator", Kasparov can talk about it, but people in Russia will be very happy to see new clowns, if not already seen.
The order YOU are talking about as in; censorship, economic and political nationalism, control of everything is the definition of TYRANNY. Ever read 1984? WEBERR YOU SHOULD.
and chaos in the 1990's was the result of 1980's,when everything is inefficiently run state supported YOU HAVE CHAOS when the purse strings are tightened. We don't like tiranny of 1980's and earlier. We like freedom of 1990's and follows.
We like order in each aspect of life in 1960-1980 and partially after 1999. And we don't like anarchy of 1988-1998.
Are you happy? Or explain to you more detailed?
Chaos of 1990's was result of damned 'shock reforms' of both Gorbachev and Yeltsin. They could stood perfect fantasts, but they stood awful presidents. Too hurry and too many mistakes.
Nothing is awaking , Russia has no culture now - everything is destroyed just like the beautiful buildings in Moscow and St.Pete everything is crushed . You don't have any technology nor science, Russia lost all it's might in 10 years. Everything is rotten and all efforts to restore it are destroyed by the all purvasive corruption. Look at the army it's a hazing broken collection of misfits and torturers. Look at Bulava failure, look at Kursk submarine, look at weekly reports of consripts being killed. Look at your REALITY WEBERR WAKE UP.
Russia warns of AIDS epidemic, 1.3 mln with HIV
AIDS epidemic? Are you serious?
Russia is not Moskow and St.Piterburg, not only Golden Ring of Russia and not only European part. Russia is Russia.
As mathimatician I can say to you: all right with our science.
As man living here I can say: all right with architecture, art and literature.
As civilian of Russia I can say: chaos going away, life stand calm and safety.
As Russian I can say: I happy to live here.
That's enough to you understand me.
There you go comparing Estonia which is part of the European Union and fastest growing euro economy to Hitler. Again discrediting yourself in the eyes of all readers. Estonia has a participatory democracy where everything has a voice, if THOSE RUSSIANS HAVE IT SO BAD WHY DON'T THEY DEMONSTRATE BEFORE THIS? WHY NOTHING HEARD ABOUT THEIR PLIGHT? BECAUSE THE RUSSIANS IN ESTONIA LIVE BETTER AND MORE PROSPEROUS THEN IN RUSSIA. MORE MONEY IS MADE IN ESTONIA BY RUSSIANS. Next post will be about Estonia.
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