Thread: Doping
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Old 08-12-2012, 06:37 PM   #7

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I understand that it's possible for there to be drugs that help gymnasts and skaters. But because these athletes' excellence doesn't depend solely on "faster, higher, stronger," there may (I hope and pray) be less incentive for their use. After all, increased size and muscle mass isn't in and of itself an advantage to skaters. In fact it's a disadvantage, even with male partners in pairs. If you look like a stiff linebacker hefting your partner, you could lose points.

In terms of the substances that speed up healing, one that I know of, steroids, actually endangers the area of injury in the long term, so it would be counter-productive. I hope that the athletes reason that way, too.
I want to agree with you....but hear from the master himself, Usain Bolt's personal drug trainer Angel "Hernandez" Heridia" how the effective use of steroids can help prevent injuries.

(My post #47 under "Track and Field" from the infamous "Der Spiegel" interview

"Heredia: No, that is a misapprehension: “You take a couple of tablets today and tomorrow you can really fly.” In reality you have to train inconceivably hard, be very talented and have a perfect team of trainers and support staff. And then it is the best drugs that make the difference. It is all a great composition, a symphony. Everything is linked together, do you understand? And drugs have a long-term effect: they ensure that you can recover, that you avoid the catabolic phases. Volleyball on the beach might be healthy, but peak athletics is not healthy. You destroy your body. Marion Jones, for example ...

"SPIEGEL: ... five-time Olympic medallist at Sydney 2000 ... "

"Heredia: ... trained with an unparalleled intensity. Drugs protect you from injury. And she triumphed and picked up all the medals."
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