retiredafb's videos of the ship on the moon are very convincing, so convincing that I wanted them to be real. Unfortunatly, if you watch his video of the Apollo 20 takeoff, you will see one the poorest attempts at CG I have seen in a while. On top of that, he also has videos of the ancient city on the moon. The city is more convincing then the Satrun V takeoff, but if you dig into the web somemore, you can find images of the exact same location without the city. Whats more is the shadows falling off the rocks in the video of the city don't jive with the shadows falling off the city itself. Keeping all that in mind, it is easy to see that those 3 videos are fake. However, the image here is on a website that has a contract with NASA to examine moon photos, and it clearly shows the same object that are in retiredafb's videos on youtube. As for billions of year old, I really hope that was a typo and he ment millions of year old, although I suppose in a galaxy that is, what, 13.7 billion years old it isn't to heard to concieve that someone what flying around 1 or 2 billion years ago. On top of that, giant cigar shaped UFOs don't seem to be strangers to our solar system. [LINK] Personally, I'm still up in the air about this one. I want to believe it, but I don't like being one of those people that tries to prove aliens and UFOs exist. I would rather be one of those people who tries to disprove everything I see, and then believe in what I can't disprove.