GOP walks away from debt talks; Obama: "Republicans can't take YES for an answer"
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07-24-2011, 03:23 PM
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Oct 2005
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I have no sympathy he created this mess from the get go, McConell has made no bones about saying all he cares about is making Obama a one term President, he could give a rats ass about the Country, Orange man should have reined in Cantor and McConell long ago but he let them run wild and now he has this bed to lie in. I don't know the ramifications of a default but i doubt it will be positive, how bad it can be I don't think anyone really knows but Bohner has allowed it to get to this point he is a freaking tool.
As I have said the debt ceiling has never been an issue when there was a white rethuglican in office, but once we have a Democratic man of color in the office the racism of the Rethugs is on display for all to say, and it is obvious to most. I am a privileged white man and I know the table is slanted in my favor.
Brads signature also points to the racists nature of the right wing idealogy.
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