AZ GOP fundraiser includes raffling off working replica of gun that shot Giffords
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09-02-2011, 07:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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That is the question, but there's nothing about this replica story.
When you look at the whole picture though, let's not forget who Giffords is and what part of the country she represents. She is one of the more Conservative-leaning Democrats, in Arizona's biggest city near a big Mexican town. Is it distasteful to raffle off the gun? I would think so, but then I would think so even without the shootings. Gearing up for a big campaign, a Presidential election year, and a time when Giffords is thinking about a potential run for Senate, is it fair to ask the opposition to not raise money a way they have in the past? I'm not sure about that either. But make no mistake about it: The way this became a story of national interest is through a writer who had to sensationalize the story. Does it get traction if it's about a gun being auctioned off in Giffords' district? Some maybe, but the writer instead tries to make it out as if the local GOP is itself trying to idolize and capitalize on Laughner. That hasn't happened, and as such, his story is as newsworthy as your average Drudge piece of crap.
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