Pelosi gives speech during day, returns to Washington for budget vote
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04-09-2011, 05:47 AM
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Two George Soros Events Aim to Remake the Financial Order and the Media -- So Where's the Reporting?
By Dan Gainor
Published April 06, 2011
Apparently, megalomaniacs need schedulers.
Just ask George Soros. The left-wing billionaire is helping fund two major conferences that start on the same day, in two different locations just a three hours apart by car. Two liberal events packed into one long weekend. God created the world in six days. Apparently, Soros, who sees himself as “some kind of god,”needs just a long weekend to start remaking today's world in his image.
The emphasis of both conferences is a familiar one to American voters – change.
Soros wants to begin changing the global economy in one event. In the other, his flunkies want to “Change the world. Change the media.”
Now that is change you can believe in. Sadly, those who actually report the news must believe in it because they sure as heck aren’t reporting on Soros or either event. And that’s even though staffers or even executives from Reuters, the Financial Times, NPR, PBS, The Washington Post and other major media outlets are speaking at one event or the other.
The first gathering in Bretton Woods, N.H., is an economic conference Soros once described as
“a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.”
In October 2009, Soros committed $50 million to the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). A week later, the glib lefty investor wrote a column calling for a new Bretton Woods event, to recreate the one that helped design the post-WWII economy.
Only he wants this one to knock America down a peg or three.
Now, it's been a little over a year later and the group he funded is making King George’s wish come true – bringing together a whole slew of important people to discuss how to change the global economy.
In Soros speak, that means “establish new international rules” and “reform the currency system.”
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