New York: Guv, Lawmakers cut spending 2%, no new taxes [Where are the protesters???]
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04-06-2011, 05:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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Are you really that out of touch? Do you think the protests are just for show, just a game? It's about the issues, and if the Empire State was able to get what it had to done while not increasing taxes and conceivably moderate cutting, then that's great (horray, home!). It also was a somewhat bipartisan effort (I followed it 'cause it is still home), and while the Republicans seem to have come out looking better between the two parties, it still, as the story says, was a bill which was able to maintain and restore some aid programs.
So tell me, what's to protest?
Working together, bipartisanship. The nation can learn a lot from the best state in the union.
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