Obama seen using an iPad
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03-30-2011, 04:40 AM
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Obama seen using an iPad
He is soooooo cool. The most tech-savvy president ever. Ever!!!
Obama Cuts in Line and Gets an iPad 2
Few would debate that President Barack Obama is the most tech savvy president in American history.
Mr. Obama has a custom-rigged Blackberry and he has admitted to owning an iPod.
Now the former law school professor law school lecturer is trying to prove his technical worth by telling reporters that not only does he own a computer -- a MacBook Pro reportedly -- but the leader of the free world also uses an iPad 2.
AllNewsMac for what it's worth is questioning how the president got his iPad.
With Apple running shortages across the globe,
it is safe to assume Mr. Obama was not waiting in line outside of an Apple store in Georgetown
A CNN photographer also reportedly saw the president playing around with an iPad in the Oval Office shortly after Mr. Obama dined with Apple CEO Steve Jobs in the Bay Area in February.
The dinner took place before the iPad 2 was unveiled.
Is it possible that Jobs gave the president a campaign donation of an iPad 2 as a parting gift for choosing him as a dinner guest?
Possibly. The two have a history.
In February, Jobs took a break from his medical leave from Apple to meet with Obama.
This while tabloids had pegged Jobs with just weeks to live.
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