Arizona-style immigration laws fizzle in other states
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03-06-2011, 07:02 AM
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Arizona-style immigration laws fizzle in other states
LA Times:,1424599.story
In at least six states, the proposals have been voted down or have simply died. Many of the other proposals have not even made it past one legislative chamber.
The most-discussed provision in the Arizona law requires police to investigate the status of people they legally stop whom they also suspect are illegal immigrants.
But even in Arizona, several tough immigration proposals have been stalled in the Senate, with business leaders and some
arguing that the state does not need more controversy.
The one state whose Legislature has passed an Arizona-style law, Utah, only approved a diluted bill accompanied by another measure that goes in a dramatically different direction.
Utah's measure is essentially a state version of the comprehensive immigration reform that many backers of the Arizona approach deride as amnesty.
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