Scalia: Women Don't Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination
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01-06-2011, 01:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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Mark you calendars,, date, and time. This might not happen again for a while:
I pretty much agree with Paul on this one.
The Constitution clearly does NOT guarantee equal rights to women. My generation of women should be keenly aware of this, as we witnessed the failure of the states to ratify the ERA. (However, this information shouldn't be known by fourth-graders, as the concept is a bit above that level. Unfortunately, due to the requirements of NCLB, and the overemphasis on test results on math and language arts, civics is being dropped as part of the curriculum by many school districts, and lots of students will never be taught the fundamentals of government.)
Although I'm not convinced about the government's being able to deny citizenship only to men but not to women (any references on that, Paul?), I do agree that it is dicsriminatory to require only men to register for Selective Service, and have held that view for many years, all the way back to my college days. I believe that our daughters are no more precious to us than our sons, and that all should bear the responsibilities of citizenship, so everyone should be required to register for Selective Service.
Of course, I have also always held that women should then refuse to do so until the ERA is passed and ratified. Equal responsibility demands a guarantee of equal rights.
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