Tax Deal: GOP to allow unemployment checks to resume in return for tax cuts for rich
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12-08-2010, 05:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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Interesting that we haven't heard from Regis on this yet. He needs to find out what he's told to think by Limbaugh and Beck. We'll have him parroting whatever they say in the next day or so.
My gut is that Obama's careful words about this since he announced the deal are intended to provoke the majority of Americans who oppose a massive cash giveaway to the richest of the rich in this country. We're already seeing the reactions coming loud and fast, though a thorough reading of the framework shows that Obama got quite a bit more than just unemployment extension - his team managed to cobble together what many economists are calling a second stimulus round focused on job creation.
But on the GOP tax windfall for the rich issue, I predict that we'll see marches, protests and polls showing the GOP that making their rich campaign donors richer is not in the best interests of this country and that the mandate they think they have to serve only the rich and the wingnuttiest social extremists is a very large misunderstanding. They're going to spend all their political capital in one, spectacular fireball.
If that does happen, this may well be a brilliant move by Obama to show who's side he's really on, the side of working-class Americans who make up most of the country and who are sick of the growing wealth and opportunity divide and ready to do something about it.
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