Glenn Beck on the Mall
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08-28-2010, 03:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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Glenn Beck on the Mall
I'm watching Glenn Becks' show, or gathering... rally, that's it. "Restoring Honor" rally. Restoring honor, he says means "looking for those who are living their lives the right way." Restoring honor, says Beck, is about God. Sarah Palin is there. Beck is striding back and forth on the stage, portable headset on ala Tony Robbins, shirt, tie but no jacket, glasses. Make no mistake, this is a Jesus rally.
He's going to award medals to some people. Faith is the theme for the first medal... no, tell me he didn't just go to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Yes, he did. Anyway, Beck's video says "to restore America we must restore the faith that once guided us," and then he refers to the values of our founding fathers.
First medal goes to Pastor C. L. Jackson, a Baptist minister who sits on the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and chairs the Community Corrections Committee.
Well, one thing is truly obvious to me, as it must be to anyone else on the planet who may be watching this; that is: Glenn Beck is a frustrated preacher.
I predict that within the next two years, Mr. Beck will give up his secular life on TV and radio and dedicate himself to a life of preaching. It will be televised of course, because
Pastor Beck
will want to have the largest, most watched religious broadcasts in history. He will have his own nonprofit, religious network.
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