Glenn Beck on the Mall
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08-30-2010, 01:57 PM
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May 2008
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Says about 200,000 people were there, which is about as many as were there according to historical estimates to hear Dr. King. CBS, seemingly using a more scientific method, estimates upper 70k-mid 90k, as DES days.
Organizers say 500,000. But of course that's the only valid number in Reg's book.
You seriously are comparing using what you call "small" national television and radio shows as a hindrence to getting the word out? That's a lot more than what Dr. King had to work with.
If you think it was easy for an empoverished African American society to make it to the Mall in the 60s when travel was still much more of a luxury than a convenience, and you think it was hard for a well-off Beck audience to make it to DC, then you don't even understand what the argument of civil rights was or is. I'd like to see how many Beck supporters would have made it back then to DC, or how many, given time to prepare (as opposed to the hastily-prepared countr-rally) would have shown up to support Dr. King in 2010.
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