Republican: Expect 'two years of good old-fashioned gridlock' if GOP wins House
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10-26-2010, 10:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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Interesting scenario being tossed around on some of the political talk shows. It's a given that Palin will not come close to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. There's some talk of Bloomberg throwing in his hat as a 3rd party choice, with the thinking that if the economy doesn't recover, he may be able to take NY, CT and possibly FL and CA, which would also keep Obama below the 270 electoral vote level.
Which would put the election in the hands of the House leadership. A GOP House would then be in line to choose... President Palin.
Big assumptions across the board on this. First off, that the economy will not improve at all. Second, that neither Obama or Palin will be able to create much momentum. Third, that Bloomberg would run and that his platform would resonate significantly in these key electoral states and would only draw away from the Obama side of the electoral tally.
Far fetched, but hey, it's out there and making the rounds.
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