Fort Hood shooting prompts DoD focus on preventing "workplace violence"
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08-24-2010, 12:32 AM
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Fort Hood shooting prompts DoD focus on preventing "workplace violence"
Fort Hood Shooting Puts Focus on 'Internal Threat'
Updated: 2 days 21 hours ago
Sharon Weinberger
AOL News (Aug. 20) -- More than nine months after
the Fort Hood, Texas, massacre
, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered a series of changes meant to prevent such incidents.
In a 26-page memo released today and signed Aug. 18, Gates ordered a series of procedural and policy changes that focus on identifying, responding
to and preventing potential workplace violence.
On Nov. 5, 2009, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born Muslim of Palestinian descent, allegedly shot and killed 13 people and wounded dozens more at the Texas base. Hasan, a psychiatrist, had been scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan.
Nine months after the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, in which Nidal Malik Hasan, above, has been charged, the Defense Department has released a report saying the military needs to be more aware of signs of
potential workplace violence.
The shooting rampage prompted a call for reviews and investigations, and sparked a dispute between the Pentagon and Congress over the release of information related to the massacre.
The changes include plans to educate military commanders on signs of potential
workplace violence
, increase commanders' access to personnel records and improve emergency notifications and the 911 system.
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