Rasmussen: Nevada Senate: Angle 50%, Reid 39%
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06-13-2010, 09:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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Social security is bankrupt anyways, so either shut it down or reform it. I've always thought we should withdraw from the UN...they are very corrupt and doing us no good. Education needs reforming in this nation...its going down the toilet. We need to compete with other nations, and our schools lack way behind. Lets get back to the basics of Language arts, Math, History, and Science (including computers). I would also like to see home economics brought back to our schools. If parents are not around much, who is going to teach them how to do everyday things around the house such as cooking and balancing your accounts. Leave foreign language to college classes, its pretty bad that our kids cannot properly write or speak the English language, but yet they are expected to learn how to speak and write in other languages in elementary school. Bring back daily gym class...I'm sure you would see some of these kids get healthier. Get the liberal agenda out of our schools....its not needed. As far as the IRS,I'm in the middle on this.
I hope the liberals get use to the fact that Obama can not do the job as they thought. We need to get new people into congress, and get all the career politicians out, this means both sides. I feel very strongly about having a 4 or 8 year term limit on each political position. Then I feel our government would be for the people more then about career politics.
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