What are your thoughts?
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02-24-2011, 11:08 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
What are your thoughts on the current world events?
Well, I think there are many people in countries who've been oppressed and they are not going to quietly take it anymore. Citizens are rising up against oppressive regimes. I think Americans are tired of high unemployment, stagnant wages, depressed housing markets and a government that seems to be stuck in neutral and all this unrest elsewhere is making them nervous. States trying to stomp down on workers isn't helping matters.
We seem to have moved away from a nation of "citizens" to a group of people divided into "taxpayers" and "freeloaders." If you don't pay taxes, you shouldn't have a voice (or a vote) according to some. "Entitlements" is a dirty word. Meanwhile, the gap between the rich and middle class keeps on getting wider. More people are on food stamps, more families live below the poverty line and more people are homeless. Politicians are bought and paid for by oil companies, bankers and insurance companies and bat**** crazy people such as Glenn Beck have tons of avid followers.
Oh yeah, the weather is completely screwed up, too. So...
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