When you finally save some money, you realize in the end that it's just plain stupid to have those things you really can't afford just because you think you must have it in order to "keep up with the Jones'" You begin to think, "I could afford it, but why waste my money." If I was filthy rich, that would be another story. Then I could splurge on usless things. The point is that with today's economic situation the only way "they" can control us is to constantly keep us in debt with easy credit.
Practice delayed gratification and don't fall for the constant advertising that, "you must have it because everyone else has it." Or that "you are not cool if you don't have this particular item." Or that "you MUST refinance your house before interest rates go up."
Save and pay cash for everything. You'll be amazed that if you just drive a used, well-maintained car for a couple of years that you bought for cash, and save the "payments" you would have paid monthly for that new car, that, in a much shorter time, you'll be able to buy that new car for cash. And you'll own it!