Is Race a valid scientific category?
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09-01-2012, 12:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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I had a little bit of time yesterday & went to the library. I borrowed
The Triple Helix
The Doctrine of DNA
, but didn't have time to read much of it. From what I've seen so far, Lewontin follows a philosophical approach more than anything else.
As I said, couldn't read much, but what struck me is that Lewontin seems to accept the existence of races. Quote:
"Regardless of one's political view, everyone must agree that we live in a world in which psychic and material welfare is very unevenly distributed. [...] There are rich countries and poor countries. Some races dominate others. Men and women have very unequal social and material power." (
The Doctrine...
, p.5/6)
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