Is Christmas or New Year more important for you ?
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09-12-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hmmm ... for me, Christmas was always celebrated more than New Year's. In my family, we would celebrate most on Christmas Eve, and we would even open our presents on Christmas Eve, as opposed to Christmas morning. Oftentimes, Christmas Eve would start early in the day, because it would be celebrated at the office through office parties that same day, only to leave work to celebrate more at home! The large dinner would usually take place on Christmas Day (when everyone's a little more sober to cook!), and it was always a nice gathering of family relatives. And I have always loved that time of year, not for religious purposes, but for the enoyment of all the lights and decorations and the spirit of love in the air!! And the snow, of course (if you're lucky enough to have it)!
The celebration of New Year's, on the other hand, was usually spent entirely on New Year's Eve, and it would consist of either a party or nightclub gathering. Hardly ever dinner. But lots and lots of alcohol (and other drugs!). Over the years, I started celebrating New Year's Eve alone in a very low-key manner, because (1) I got tired of all the drunken crowds and drunken driving, and (2) I liked the idea of using that time in a more introspective way--reviewing the past year and making plans for the upcoming new year. I remember a lawyer I used to work with once commented about how each year everyone tries to outdo each other and each year's celebrations, and yet they never succeed and end up feeling worse off as a result. In some ways, that's probably true, depending on the celebration plans the person makes. But it's what first got me thinking about celebrating New Year's in my own special way, and it has made all the difference for me over the years. So now I usually spend it by the fireside, with a nice bottle of wine, reviewing my year past and year to come, and watching a good movie. Of course, I have to say, reading about how New Year's is celebrated in Europe, I think I want to bring in the new year sometime over there!! Wow, what a dinner! I really like that idea!!
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