"Curse of the Asian Man"
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12-04-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Anyone who's going to go around saying they want a person strictly based on their looks is shallower A lot of guys from Hong Kong are like that but they don't say it.
Anyone who's going to go around saying they want a person strictly based on how much money they make or what kind of car they drive is shallowest. A lot of girls from China (including Hk and Taiwan), Japan and Korea are like that but they don't say it.
The truth is...I would rather be a shallow person with lots of money than a profound person without any money. (^_^)
From my 31 years of experience as a human being, most beautiful women don't care much about poor men with really deep thoughts. But if you are a poor man with really deep thoughts and you are deeply in love with a beautiful woman, in most cases even the shollowest women are nice enough to return the favor by letting you to be their "guardian angel". i.e. chauffer, plumber, listener & etc.
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