What do you think of the custom of tipping?
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09-01-2012, 11:48 AM
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Oct 2005
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To my knowledge(at least around here), all waitresses who earn tips do not get paid minimum wage. I guess they don't get paid minimum wage because of the money they make in tips. I believe they pay waiters/waitresses a wage that when added to the average of the money the make in tips, adds up to minimum wage, maybe more. I guess they are not required to pay minimum wage to wait staff if they make over a certain amount in tips.
In high school, I worked for a family owned business that was part drive-in restaurant and part dine-in. The girls working the drive-in part would get a little less than minimum wage, but the girls working the dine-in part would get a lot less, because they made a lot more in tips than the drive-in waitresses.
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