What is your ideal democracy?
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12-04-2005, 03:28 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I don't think there is such a thing as an ideal democracy.
Looking at your options individually:
The United States of America as it is now.
not being from the unites atates i think it would be unitelligent of me to comment on their democracy as all my perceptions are from the media, which is far from a realistic outlook on anything.
My nation's exemplification of democracy. (Not the United States of America.)
All decisions are made by the governmant, so this is not a democracy. We just choose an idiot to dictate. and we have a monarchy that is basically no more than a novelty for tourists.
Direct democracy- The majority is always right.
this raises the question, what if the majority is wrong? for example; the majority may decide that corporal punishment is 'right'. this would lead inevitably to innocent deaths and also many guilty people not being punished appropiately. and it would lead to other problems...'which criminals deserve to die?'. also there are a lot of stupid people in any country, so if the majority are made up of idiots...well, the outcome would be predictable.
Direct democracy, but with certain rights immune to majority vote.
this raises the question 'what rights are immune to majority vote?'. the right to a fair trial? the right to live? the right to die? and this could go on forever.
Representative democray- Vote for someone to make decisions on your behalf.
i don't like anyone making decisions on my behalf...not serious decisions anyway, but that is our current democracy.
A mix of the above.
What's ideal about democracy? (Other)
i believe within any democracy there will always be people who disagree to that democracy...a rebellion if you will. so there is no possible way to keep everyone happy. that is why democracy will never completely succeed.
my thoughts anyway!
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