Are sexual harassment laws for ugly and weak women ?
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04-06-2006, 11:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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Are sexual harassment laws for ugly and weak women ?
Here is a quote by Richard Fish in the TV Series 'Ally Mcbeal'. Try to reflect on it and tell me your opinion.
R. Fish
: "
Personally, I hate sexual harassment laws. The original force behind them were disgruntled lesbians who felt they were not given the same opportunities - along with ugly women, who were jealous of pretty women who got all the breaks in the work force. My cause to action is simple, women are victims. They need special help. Look, at the evolution of these sexual harassment laws. What we are really saying is women really should qualify under the Federal Disablity Act. They are less able. They cannot cope with romance in the office. They cannot contend with having to do a job and have a man smile at them. It is too much. Look where we use to be, first quid pro quo, then hostile environment, and now Seinfeld episodes. Women can't take it; they bruise too easily. The laws are here to protect the weak and most vulnerable in society. She is woman, protect her!
I think it is a quite universally recognised fact that women are in average "weaker" than men (psychologically), more emotionally unstable, and less "into sex with strangers". So Fish's comments somewhat make sense. I also noticed that very beautiful or sexy women are more likely to accept doing porn because they are proud of their body or have higher oestrogen levels (hence the more feminine and "sexy" traits). Women who are very offended at the fact that other women use their charms to make money, get a promotion or favour from their male boss, etc. are usually less sexy and less attractive types (well at least within the same socio-cultural group, as education, religion and conservatism also play a role).
As much as I personally loath the idea of women using their charms to obtain favours or money out of men, if we keep private emotions and pride aside the above pleading does make sense.
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