I just want to adress one point concerning sexual harrasment. In public in general, like tram, buses, metro, cinemas, clubs and many such other public places a man is very careful about touching, even by accident, a strange woman. I know I am. In club/bars for example a man may try to come and pik up a lady...but he will not touch her unless he feels he has consent...and even if he does happen to brush aside her by accident he will apologize in a manner to make it clear that it was an accident. However, if a woman touches a strange man by accident she will not go to the same lengths...and the man won't even bother to expect an apology or explanation. Women take more liberty in such things. For example in clubs i always remember girls walkin past me and having no trouble or second thoughts putting their hands on my shoulder to signal me to move by or what. I think women have much freedom in this sense.