*Stopping the Human Virus: Population*
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05-07-2006, 02:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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Be very careful about the direction that these type of thoughts can go.
The first question I have in where would you have these sterilisation rules? Not in Japan, as it suffering from a low birthrate and has a negative population growth. Not within Europe as many European countries are also suffering negative growth or are just above positive growth. In the US? I doubt it very much. Americans like their freedoms and this would be seen as aginst their rights, no matter how many times you say voluntary.
Second question: If you enforce sterlisation on criminals what is to stop you from saying the same for mentally handicapped? Someone who is barely capable of looking after themselves shouldn't be allowed to have children. Or people who have genetic defects such as downs syndrome. They might not suffer from it, but any offspring might. Is this right? Hitler went down this route.
Thirdly: What about limiting poeple to one or two children per family? We have seen how this turned out in China. Spoiled children who are now incapable of looking after themselves, female children babies abandoned because the Chinese still prefer male children.
Ideas like this can sound good, but governments would take control and impose more restrictions on the population and with modern technology only the genetically 'pure' might be the only ones allowed to breed.
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