Thor in post #6 said, "Why would people ever want to smoke and fill their lungs with that. It is bad for your lungs.." (paraphrased). and you answered with: You are right. You didn`t say that specifically. But, why bring up these other "reasons" for other vices? Of course we know people have their reasons. No one does something for no reason at all. The topic is about smoking -- specifically pot. I admittedly did target smoking in general and should have moved it to the the smoking thread. I wasn`t expecting this to roll like it did here so it started gaining momentum.
Exploitation that causes suffering is exploitation that causes suffering. Drinking is not smoking. Both do cause harm.
Before we continue this any further, I want to just ask you: Do you think it is ok to proceed at regulating one without having to address the other side by side at the same time (i.e. linking the two in efforts to regulate either)? If "Yes," then we need not continue this argument any further. If "No," then tell me why linking the two is necessary or should even be considered when it would only bogg things down too slow in getting results and actions.