Smoke Pot, Yes or No?
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02-05-2006, 12:37 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I have (had? sort of) a good friend who smoked pot... and he happened to be one of those unlucky people whose body doesn't react well to it. He was somehow very sensitive to the effects, in a very negative way. It was an only short time before he takes many other drugs too, usually amphetamines and stuff. Now, he's got paranoia, schizophrenia, bulimia, as the side effect of these various substances, totally addicted, turned from kind gentle person into person who mugs and threatens people, spends all of the time in psychiatric unit, rehab or running away from one or the other of them, and is predicted to die in about 5 years.
It kind of put me off drugs.
Often I hear people say "the occasional joint is ok, it's nice, to relax
But I can't get his image out of my mind.
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