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Old 12-20-2011, 05:43 PM   #23

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Oct 2005
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So tell me.

This statement "….The alternative would be that the NGB Commander, who is the ONLY NG 3-Star, will fill that slot as an additional duty until it becomes a voting job, whereapon the second 3-Star job would be created.”


Is that nitpicking or expecting you to have a modicome of integrity and admit when you post bullshit?

Which is it? The answer is pretty obvious to me.
It is Nitpicking because the proper response should have been the following:

NGR 600-100, Chapter 4-3 f and exception (10) apply:

f. Grade. Because of the ARNG promotion system and requirement that all commissioned officers, unless specifically exempt, must be assigned to an authorized position, grade becomes a dominant factor in commissioned officer assignments. The applicable MTOE or TDA position will determine the highest authorized grade in which a commissioned officer may be assigned, except as modified below:

(10) There is no limit on assigning a commissioned officer to a position calling for a higher grade. However, as a guideline, due to the increased responsibility and authority, a commissioned officer should not be assigned to a position more than one grade higher than that of the officer, except in the most unusual circumstances.

Section IV
Promotion of ARNG officers serving on Title 10 AGR Tours

8-20. Procedures

b. States are only authorized to promote Title 10 AGR officers and continue them on active duty when the following conditions have been met:

(1) The officer is eligible and qualified for promotion in accordance with all other provisions of this regulation (Federal recognition board is required unless the officer has been selected for promotion by the DA Mandatory Selection Board).

(2) The officer is serving in a higher grade MTOE/TDA position and an appropriate grade authorization has been provided to the respective State by the National Guard Bureau, AGR Management Branch.

So, the specific legislative change for the Chief of NGB Job resulted in a change of TDA, which is why the job now calls for a 4-Star, and this specific Lieutenant General became eligible for promotion under NGR 600-100. Chapter 4, Paragraph 3.f.(10). He got his 4th Star under NGR 600-100, Section IV, Chapter 8 Paragraph 20.b when the NGB AGR Management Branch provided Florida with the appropriate grade authorization.

So, what I said earlier stands. States normally don’t have either the ability or need to promote past 2-Star, and normally there is only one unless TO&Es or TDA require otherwise, and these days the Flag Officer slots other than the State Adjutant General are AGR Positions. Further, when this guy’s time in the job ends, the only way he will be able to keep the rank will be to retire, since any other assignment for him will require him to revert to 2-Star rank. He will still be able to retire as a 4-Star under the “Highest Rank Held” rule however.
sbrpkkl is offline


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