It looks pretty bad, I'll give ya that. But still, whether it's eight or eighty there is still a "He said, she said" element to be taken into consideration, and I have known an adult or two who might make an exaggerated claim against another adult for any offense based on a combination of over-protectiveness or who knows what combination of reasons. It's also possible and even likely that they might find others in a similar situation and come at it as a group to make the situation appear even worse. What motive would they have? It depends I suppose, I know other adults have approached my wife complaining that his pre-school was teaching my son to take his clothes off and put them back on. I basically responded to the effect of "Big surprise, he's a toddler and that would be a good skill for him to have, don't go blowing it out of proportion." His circumstances are different of course, but there may be some mitigating factors we're not already aware of (maybe he had volunteer ties in the local community, for instance, that had him working regularly with younger children.) I just know it's very easy for grown adults to blow things out of proportion and I deem that worthy of individual consideration. Predators exist out there, doesn't mean I'm ready to go Salem Witch Hunt on them for the cause of protecting the innocent.