Muslim Woman Suing Southwest for Kicking Her Off San Jose-Bound Flight
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10-06-2011, 07:04 PM
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Muslim Woman Suing Southwest for Kicking Her Off San Jose-Bound Flight
SAN DIEGO – A Muslim woman is suing Southwest Airlines for kicking her off a flight from San Diego in March after crew members became suspicious of her behavior, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday night.
Irum Abbasi, a U.S. citizen who emigrated from Pakistan a decade ago, was seated on a plane ready to depart from San Diego for San Jose when a flight attendant became worried about what she thought Abbasi was saying on her cellphone.
Abbasi said she had told the caller, "I have to go" -- but the attendant thought she had said, "It's a go," the Times reported. The San Jose State University graduate student, who was wearing a hijab, the Islamic head scarf, was escorted from the plane by a Transportation Security Administration official.
I don't think I would've sued unless it was a repeated thing. I'd probably stop flying. But here's the thing - if that had been a woman of any other ethnicity or looked like any other woman - let's just say a white woman - and the flight attendant still thought she heard "it's a go" would she have done the same thing I wonder?
This is a case of someone being too paranoid (but then I'll hear "what if it had been an attack?"). THere are lots of "what ifs" in the world. I'm not about to be paranoid and wonder about all of them and second guess every decision I make. When it's my time, it's my time I suppose. (I'd rather not get blown up by a terrorist though).
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