Muslim Woman Suing Southwest for Kicking Her Off San Jose-Bound Flight
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10-06-2011, 09:32 PM
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Oct 2005
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Doug Stanhope has a great bit on flight attendents. I can't even begin to repeat it here but I suggest looking it up.
This was racial profiling and it sucks but unfortunatly profiling works because profiling works. When they're wrong you get an appology and free flights for a year. I think the TSA has its head up its ass and soon the government will be keeping tabs on us wherever we go (by 2015 all phones will be equiped with GPS if the FCC gets its way). But in the interest of reasonable safety, sometimes the wrong people are going to be questioned and asked to get off a plane. Its going to happen no matter what we do. If you act like a shadey basterd your going to be treated like one. In the passenger's defence dumbass flight attendents shouldn't be in charge of protecting the plane. I don't want to put my life in some moron's hands.
My fix for the TSA, put a trained sky marshal with a gun on every single flight. No need to harrase you customers anymore, if shit gets real, there's someone trained to take care of it on the spot.
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