up here in maine, years ago, we got sent to the car for acting up in the store. rolled down the window and just sit and wait. if you seen a kid in a car, you knew they had gotten in trouble. one school, the principal had a paddle, and was known to use it, with parents permission. i got my share of whuppings. and i don't lie, or steal. easiest beating i ever got was with a wodden yardstick. my stepmother got about 1 maybe 2 licks in, before it broke. years later, i laugh at how mad she was trying to pick up pieces to beat me more. as kids, we all had marks, etc. and some of us got it just dang much. nowadays, there's no line. spank, don't spank. some folks take it too far. others are afraid for the swat on the butt, and dhs showing up.