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Old 11-11-2007, 03:31 AM   #4

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The towers were brought down by the planes that hit them. Those "explosions" you hear during the video is the sound of each floor pancaking onto the below it. Nothing is blowing up. Very simple.

If the Government wanted to bring down the towers with a controlled demolition they did not need an airplane scenario. They could of simply exploded the towers and blamed it on terrorists or even Bigfoot if they wanted.
Originally Posted by Rhandhular View Post

And terrorists would be able to prepare a work that would take months to finish. They would get access to the floors, they would bring tons of explosives inside the building and no one would notice...

some important things:
How could arabs do the attacks if there was not a single one in the passengers list?
The arabs supposed to be on the planes are still alive today...
It's IMPOSSIBLE for buildings to come down at 10 floors per second without demolition!!!! it's like watching a 10 floor building standing one second, blinking your eyes, and building is gone... THINK!!!

9/11 miracles: 3 buildings colapse because of fire (never happened before and never happen again) oh, and it happened in the same day. oh, and the owner of the 3 buildings was the same guy. oh, and George W. Bush brother was in charge of security in the buildings...and his contract ended in 9/11...
2 planes evaporate because of jet fire. Never happened before and will never happen again...because it's impossible!!!
Norad standing down in the most secure country on the planet.
A plane hitting the Pentagon (the most secured airspace in the world!!!!!)
I could go on and on all day and night but someone made the statistics of all this and other facts put together in the same day and it was 1 in1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Can't remember the exact number but it was more than all the sand grain in our planet.

I think 9/11 should be called, "the day real miracles did happen"
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