Why Obama WILL Be Re-elected
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03-22-2012, 09:36 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Over twenty years of seeing the same guy getting elected twice does not rest well with me.
Americans are morons. We stick with who we know at this point. Even when Clinton was making a mess on Monica and gutting the military from within, We the People still re-elected him. Even when Dubya was struggling with his tele-prompter and could not prove we invaded Iraq to remove the WMDs, We the People still re-elected him.
$5 bucks says that Obama gets re-elected because people stick with who they know. I can't stand the SOB for signing the NDAA and HR 347, which both have stripped us of our rights as American citizens. People need to vote AGAINST this guy for his deeds, and NOT his skin color.
We're a nation of idiots.
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