New PT Test
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10-20-2010, 01:57 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Well I dont want to sound like a downer her but the AF has been talking about a PT test since 2000. I find it hard to believe in 2010 we still have Airmen who are completely out of shape that cant pass the PT test. Yes it has changed 2x since it came out in 2004 but it has really changed for the better.
I understand we all have bad days and well with more and more drawdown and forceshaping makes it hard for members to get time to go to the gym. But reality hurts and the PT test isnt going anywhere. It is something the AF has needed for years to be honest, we was getting to be a very unfit force across the board and a unhealthy force at that.
The fact that civilians give our test now is something the AF and our leaders have done to ourselves honestly. Some of our PTL's was either being pressured by those higher in rank to give passing scores or they were "helping" their buddies. We had a very high profile caase in Yokota where a chief was caught during an audit doing just this. Plus I knew a case where a PTL let a SSgt score his own test by actually writing in his scores and not actually performing the test. I am sure this was happening across the AF, so yes the integrity of the PT was broken and broken big. The easiest way to fix it was to take it out of the hands of the squadrons and use people who couldnt be influenced by rank.
But as Americans we are entitled to our opinions and have the freedom to speak our opinions within reason. But this test isnt going anywhere no matter how much we dislike it or complain about it, the best thing to do is suck it up and use it to get yourself into better shape not just for the testing sakes but for your own.
By the way this testing scale is far easier than the last in my opinion, got a 85.5 and made all the minimums.
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