Concepts of Terror
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12-15-2008, 11:53 PM
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Nov 2005
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[QUOTE The declaration of a global war on terrorism has been a terrible mistake and is doomed to failure
….Americans opted to accept al-Qaeda’s language of cosmic warfare at face value and respond
accordingly, rather than respond to al-Qaeda based on an objective assessment of its resources and
In reviewing the book for The New York Review of Books, Max Rodenbeck writes,
In essence, America’s actions radically upgraded Osama bin Laden’s organization from a ragtag
network of plotters to a great enemy worthy of a superpower’s undivided attention. Even as it
successfully shattered the group’s core through the invasion of Afghanistan, America empowered
al-Qaeda politically by its loud triumphalism, whose very excess encouraged others to try the same
terror tactics…. Instead of seizing a uniquely strong opportunity to rally the world behind a positive
vision that would build on the liberal and democratic ideals that made America a great nation, it
adopted a paranoid and bellicose position that dismayed much of the world….Instead of pulling the
rug from under al-Qaeda and related terrorist organizations by removing at least some of their causes
for violence, it created new causes.[/QUOTE]
To address this writer = I find it fooliosh and unintelligent statement. First if it does not take college educated criminals to be a threat. This so called "Rag Tag" Group successfully carried out the greatest terroist attack in US history, killing thousands.
Our response did not encourage others theirs did. Once a criminal mind sees the vulnerability of a victim they are goaled to repeat said attack - That is criminal behavior ABC's - Liberal umm in what spectrum is she referring to? Christan values (note I didnt say christan behavior).
Removing the causes of violence? Ok so lets correlate this - Lets give the theifs money they wont steel. Lets allow rapist to have little kids and women then they wont prey on people, legalize narcotics (some would like this) then no crime. That just doesnt make any since.
You cant address the unreasonable with reason - that in its self in unreasonable
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