Canon D30
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07-10-2006, 05:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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depends what you want out of a camera. If you only want point & shoot, then go for a digital compact, for you want the choice of a wide range of lenses, go for a Dslr.
The canon D30 was a good Dslr in it's day, but is fairly ancient in Dslr terms.
Not being a canon user, but knowing someone who uses both a Canon 300D, and 350D, if you want a Dslr, spend the extra, and go for either a 300D, or 350D. They will be alot faster, better autofoucus, have longer battery life than the D30
canon 300D review
. . . . . . . .
canon 350D review
The technology is moving so fast atm there is no point in buying a 6 year old Dslr.
my 2¢
btw the D30 images will look softer because of the lower pixel count.
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