Texas Students required to wear RFID Name Tags in two San Antonio Schools
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08-31-2012, 11:32 PM
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Oct 2005
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The system the school is planning on implementing would track the students whereabouts at all times.
All RFID devices can be used for that purpose.
This is nothing more than a revenue stream and a invasion of privacy, the system has too many flaws to justify the expense of using it. While I disagree with you on other points and I think it could potentially be good the flaws make it pointless and a waste of money. Trouble makers will find ways around it or ways to make it work in their favor. Geeky trouble makers will start cloning IDs.
While I'm a very strong proponent of privacy I believe that when you enter someone else's business, etc. they have a right to make reasonable demands. In the case of students they're responsible for what happens to them. Until we absolve them of that responsibility they have a right, and a duty, to take security precautions.
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