A Bugatti is just a Volkswagen Passat with a different engine, gearbox, drivetrain and body...it's still a different experience. I was a windows user for 20 years, and I'm hardly passing comment on something that is a little known feature. That a ridiculous comparison. I never mentioned that the experience isn't different. I said that since it uses the same rendering engine, it makes no difference at all to how the page is rendered or how fast it is rendered. Every single iOS Safari disadvantage to how the page is loaded and rendered etc is still there. Or are you saying that a Passat handles as well and is just as fast as a Bugatti ? Thank you for another of your ignorantly condescending replies. However, there are more than one ways to skin a cat. OSX being an excellent example. It doesn't need all those clicks to do exactly the same thing and is generally a more secure OS!