Windows usability...
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07-20-2012, 01:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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My lab professor uses Apple and is in love with Apple like a lot of Apple users are which is odd.
It was kinda funny because all during the semester he was like "I wish windows did this" or "Does windows do this?" and he was constantly like "Oh" and "That's neat" which is kinda funny. Blamed a lot of Windows on the rubbish PC it was installed on as well.
The whole Win/OS thing is boring. They are both great OS, just whatever you prefer and/or what you have grown up on. Really if you have grown up on something, it is hard to move to something else. I have used OS only very little but do not bash it. I know that it is a powerful tool just like Windows. My only issue with OSX is that the price you pay for weaker hardware on a PC is just weak. Why pay a $500+ premium for worse hardware just because of the OS? No OS is worth the price premium you pay with Apple.
As far as the OP complaint, I do get that. For an average user that is annoying, but on those popups there is a link to change that setting so the average joe only need to read a couple lines to go, "sweet, I can disable this!". Nothing to really complain about. First time you see it can also be the last time.
Plus it is MS approach to strengthening their security aspect of the OS.
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