Windows usability...
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07-20-2012, 02:04 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
What about Mac usability?
Finder is the worst piece of **** file manager since the dawn (LOL) of GUI, this includes the old versions of Nautilus.
Have you ever tried to use iPhoto/iTunes/iDvD/etc with a network share? Holy mother of God, what an unfocused development team.
To ideally use a Mac, you have to have a huge local disk... how much does that cost from the factory? Or what happens to the warranty if you upgrade it yourself? Usability my ass.
However, Windows 7 is not without it ****ing annoyances either. I will raise all of the above with this concept: Libraries, the left pane in Windows Explorer and the default function of the Windows Explorer shortcut. Who dropped the ball this badly?
Truth is, most OS's have too broad of an audience to balance the power users with the users that can not get out of their own way.
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