If you want to be a semantical prick, then yes- Art is the universe, Art is everything, Art could be anything imagined or not imagined. So yes, a stupid mindless American Pie movie is, technically, Art. But most intelligent people dont look at it as such, its just a form of non-invested entertainment and wouldnt be judged against other, more invested peices of art such as a Sculpture, Painting etc. However, there are movies which I would judge as such. Not sure what the book comment was for? Seemed like an immature/adolescent outlash. One day you will form different ways of commnication with other people, its all part of the growing process. Another sign of adolescence is the Absolutist attitude, the attitude that things MUST be a certain way. Its just a way for a young mind to make sense of the universe, but as you get older you will see that things are many different things to many different people with many different thoughts and opinions.