Job interview time! - Guidance and experience needed.
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11-25-2011, 09:55 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
When we interview people (IT/Networking/Sys Admin/Exchange/VMware) and notice they write "Expert in" or give the impression they are a guru.... We grab our engineer that specialized in what ever they claim and ask him to ask extremely difficult questions to make the person sink. We hate it when someone claims to know everything about something... We like it when someone states "Working knowledge" on what ever it is they are applying for.
When I do interviews I actually state "I don't know everything and I don't expect my peers/co-workers to know everything. That is why it is so important to have a team full of sharp and experienced members, I know I can be a valuable member to the team with my knowledge and past experiences. I hope to join the team and make it whole as we take on existing and future challenges."
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