Job interview time! - Guidance and experience needed.
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11-26-2011, 05:09 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hmm i can give you a few tips, having been on both sides of the table now.
First of all, a few days before the interview go through your personal data (your curriculum vitae), give it some thought on how you can present it in the best light, so that when asked about it you can roll it out with confidence, whilst highlighting the achievements and circling around the not so good parts (like if you ever got fired before, dropped out of school, whatnot)
To the big day, donīt show up in a Armani suite and crocodile leather shoes if the position you are aiming for isnīt in that league. Dress appropriate to the job youīre wanting to get and dress comfortably, the better you feel in your clothes the better youīll feel during the interview.
Hmm what else is there to say, of course itīs good to be informed about the company and what itīs main operatives are, what exactly they do, be confident about what you can do, the things and projects youīve worked on. Know how to sell yourself.
Here are some things iīve noticed throws interviewers off when i ask them.
(If the Interviewer is married i like to ask): "If i were to call Mrs.XYZ, and would ask her how she would describe her husbands personality and traits, what would she answer?"
Or "If you could change your personal history/development, what would you change?"
another evil one is "Why havenīt you found a job yet?"
Ahh yes donīt be afraid, be confident, donīt let your head hang, try keeping eye contact, donīt be afraid of throwing in a little humor.
There are alot of other things, but my time is limited atm
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